Condensed Meeting Safety Guidelines

Google doc links to beta versions of short form, long form guidelines


  • We practise respecting diversity.

  • We expect excluding or aggressive language to be courageously interrupted.

Avoiding Triggering Language:

  • We practise sharing responsibly.

  • We recommend speaking for a part thinking about suiciding as “my part who wants to stop my pain”.

  • We don’t share abuse details.

  • We expect extreme sharing to be compassionately interrupted.

Being Self-led:

  • We commit to the intention to speak for our parts not from them.

  • We express feelings using phrases like "I notice a part of me feels..."


  • We keep all meeting discussions confidential.

No Cross-talk:

  • We refrain from verbal cross-talk, especially naming other participants, and giving advice.

  • Instead, we use language like "I really related when someone shared earlier about… "

Self-Care in Meetings:

  • We take responsibility for internally acknowledging and caring for any of our parts activated by the meeting.

  • We take breaks if needed, using mute, or stepping out for self-care.

  • We seek appropriate support after the meeting if necessary.


  • We all share responsibility for meeting safety.

  • We all may courageously interrupt with safety concerns ourselves, or we can use a private Chat message to a meeting host to raise safety concerns and request a safety pause.

  • Meeting hosts have renamed themselves with two asterisks to help with this.

  • Safety pauses will be for 30 seconds followed by re-reading these guidelines.